Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Meet the Dragon

Inspired by a certain someone, I renewed my zest for blogging, not only because I find it healthy to, but also out of tedium (or a lack of conversationalist, with JM being away).
Anyway swimming in the the grey matter these days has been the idea of getting a body-tattoo. Sure MC and JM have advised unanimously, against such extreme artistic epxression through irreversible body art. To allay my impulses, JM called me "a bad girl". Honey, I don't mind labels much. MC went as far as to suggest that no decent man'll want to marry someone who looks like a gangster in the bedroom, his reasoning was that "pre-coitus and at the point of mutually disrobing, any man's sexual interest will take a dive when he realises the fair maiden he is in love with is in fact a Dragon-lady". LOL. Nice try MC, you almost convinced me. Except, I wasn't considering the the image of an expanded dragon skeleton. Rather, I am looking to to get a mod just about the size of a 50 cent coin. I have even researched on the motif already, and I swear it's got absolutely nothing to do with fire-spewing dragons or ash-rising pheonixes, thank you very much.
I will however consider your point about your not having had, a purchase whose novelty outlasted the impulse. The point is, tattoos are symbollic meanings, and I don't foresee me getting bored with the meaning behind the motif in point. And it will not be an impulse buy, which I will prove by assigning a year's idle moments to making the ultimate decision. So your theory can't stick.
If anything, I am worried of most people's reaction to my sudden dive to the wild side (perhaps even contemplating about it suggests the overtly-animalistic side to me). I do assure that if getting a tattoo means I am in fact untamed, perhaps we all misunderstood me.
I can't help but notice the huge stigma attached to the idea of pierced body art. The social view of tattoos infers to vocabulary like Gangster, Convict, Ill-bred, Arrogant, Hooligan. The litany of negative connotations is endless.
A Hitstory take on the orgins of tattoo doesn't help clear the bad repute. History teems with examples of involuntary scarification; slaves' or tribes' motifs branding, or gang-identifications' modification. These stories (often gory) emphasize on the tale-worthy side of Body Modification by choosing to concentrate on the great physical torment and mental anguish, prior and post scarification and how the mental effects of body modification alters the mind no less irreversibly than the act itself. With stories like that, it is perhaps no wonder that voluntary scarification gets hardly a decent nod. After all, which sane person will agree it is sane to want to self inflict pain and scar?
Perhaps what I do agree with from these allegories is the association between this form of Art and its alteration of the mind, albeit, I believe it can happen both ways. Let's just talk about justifications of people whose mental anguish toward a subject is so overwhelming that they decide that the only way to augment it is to flaunt it (through an image) or "translate" the tormenting mental repression into the physical, so that their pain is in a way "shared" with all who come into visual contact with the tattoo transcribed (tattoo as expressions of their identity), they call it "wearing" the pain. Publicizing pain through Body Art so that it may be shared may seem perverse to most, but neither can most people understand real psychological loads so weighty that it requires purging of such compromised standard to release.
Comparing justifications for Body Art between the past and present ages is like comparing happiness levels between the neanderthal and post-capitalist being. Comparisons of this sort, even if endeavored is futile and ultimately non conclusive.
Anyway for those grippling that this Genie may turn into a dragon-lady overnight, your fear is mostly unfounded. I still have 346 days of musing to do.

of Hearsay and Prophesy

"We'll meet again...when you're ready to travel the most secret path of all."
Of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural and secret knowledge;
Scrolls of arcane information that she may, or may not reveal;
A moon crown on her head and crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what others otherwise might not see
The throne leads to the deepest, most esoteric and secret knowledge
When you get to her, you're going to be learning some very odd things, Very odd
A spiritual woman, a nun or astrologer, a teacher of archaic knowledge, or just a reclusive relative who knows a lot of family secrets
She is a repository of obscure knowledge, a walking library with uncanny instincts and insights
She may, as well, come across as cold, unpredictable, even scary

A week of Gameboy, Booze, Birthdays and Mahjong

Time for an update on last week :
First up last sunday; in my wildest dream will i only imagine how much fun i can have with EP, CH, HS and PX... Been awhile since i even considered giving in to the desires of catching up with them and look what happens when you overcome the self? A great time! Plus even greater memories to add to the treasure trove. Oh and to begin with, I don't even like hanging out on Sunday nights! I guess i really owe E.P. one for "one-up" (Gameboy term), wouldn't be so if she were absent! Kudos to friendship and the love betwn gurls! (thanks 10!)
It is a sure pity that HS and PX are no longer together, but he sure is his lighter self...can be lighter still though. Well, its up to EP from now though. That head goes all ways when it comes to her...
Clocked an all-time LOW record of weekly talktime with JM. With his Koup Lion/Tiger stint, I've really decided (this time, with extra affirmation) that I am not one up for a relationship that is geographicall challenged. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"... Oh yeah, just the heart though, everything else distances; mindsets, ideas, aspirations, beliefs... Whoever penned the line really left out some huge reality gaps in favor of the romantic factor.
What else...Jaime celebrated her bday. With low-key grace... Anything for that lady though. Love you anytime, everytime. Guess you really hate the Carlo Rino bag. Damn! I'd have headed to pasar malam instead la. I'll ensure Pauline listens to me on the next! But I realise birthdays should no longer be viewed as a celebration-worthy ocassions, once one gets past the 21st mark. Every additional one actually celebrates a shorter road to the mortuary.! Quite macabre, but logically it's incontestable. No wonder protagonists are always hard to please, perhaps enjoying the day just is not meant to be.
The overnite mahjong's with the guys at Malcolm's has caused me to like the game less. Too much of a thing is never good. But I picked up the formal rules nonetheless...
Bought my first Gameboy consol, alright!!! 2nd hand yada, but Mario still blinks perfunctorily when he bends forth to unroot the mushroom, that's good enough on my standards! JM would probably consider it a mistake to get Advance since its the DS that allows for the former's game packs. Well, maybe I won't let him in on this tiny knowledge :))) Too bad I may never lay hands on the BIG 2, which was the initial motivation for the investment...But seems rewards are more than initially forecasted.
Made time for more shopping and the usual dieting, haven't boogied in awhile though, the reserves are depleting. Gotta top it up now that I just blew some 500 bucks on JM, Gameboy and booze. Oh heck, all for good causes, so no complaints. Oh wait, I still owe someone bread for a Phantom tic. I STILL DON'T BELIEVE IN SPLURGING ON OPERAS, gosh I better advocate that line more often.
Ann forgot its her bday today till Jill and Tracey 'congratulated' her on hatch-day. Wow, that gurl rox like no-one I've ever met before! Salute to her 0-hubris. Is it a really a good thing? Man, you decide. Nothing more interesting for updates. Will post one again soon.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Blogging and relations

Following the life of a Lawyer through his blog...I'm blown away.
This is perhaps the closest I can come to being near a person whose ways I'll never get to learn, a life I will never be granted membership to. He probably won't agree when he hears this, yet it is so real. Perhaps even when lawyers are paid to defend reality, they have no clue to what real life means. Because to know means compromising what is good and secure now.
He is an interesting fellow though. Worth my while to follow from a distance away, albeit it sure is from a damn long distance away.
I am sitting in office, with nothing considerably constructive enough to occupy my time with (due to being overly-educated) and finishing with the chores so easily (still due to be overly-educated). I am left with practically nothing to do save for reading up lives of people whose faces I don't know. So much for undissipated engergy. That and aside from toying with the a new inspiration to become an accountant (not that I am a naturally numbers-girl), but I realise how I badly need a new direction, and intellectual endeavor that will stand apart from and against the mundanity of all that is using my hours now.
We'll see what comes.

Monday, January 22, 2007


Jaime invited me to dinner today. I know she is socially in trouble cos I've always been her last resort for dining partners, and she'll only turn to me when and after she has drained her circles. No bad feelings, since she's never felt that chum with me.. Although I bought Macs already, (to standby as an excuse not to dine with colleagues, not that there is a queue, it's the usual fear of not rising up to expectations, though, what more than this can truly can kill social lives?) I decided I can't possibly turn down my bestest friend... Talked about the usual career choices, her relationships, allowed her to take a glimpse of me and P's wonderland, lucky her.
Visited my idol's blog (she's got an update) and going thru her litany of pals' blogs, I realise a common trait of the people she calls friends and their blogs that can be summarised : Pompous people with bombastic english articulating for endless mouse scrolls, mocking at their own buzz-filled/or lacklustre lives yet lamenting the buzz/or lack of's insignificance. Blah blah blah...
But let's hand it to her Britain. Really.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Skirting Around the Sales Ball

Supposed to have breakfast cum sales conference session today at Traders Hotel but I missed the breakfast since I slept in late and reached when the conference was just commencing. Scheduling a global sales meeting at 745 am is helluva great way to waste time and miss sleep I assure, wonder which department head (or lack of) did the scheduling. Met B. Rodden, who was so ill-prepped he came to a global conference leaving his rodden namecards in Germany. Imagine. And Steve J's Boss...OMG has such slitty eyes, I'd swear he is the meanest Caucasian face I ever saw. I am smittened by this Finnish Kai (I am with Sabrina on this!) ! Well i like to imagine i lit up his view mirror too when we shook hands :)
My skirt's safety pin had to give up on me in midst of such a crucial event (that means they just don't work anymore). Doesn't pay dropping grams when your skirts are all in L sizes (not counting what expansion with each wash). PERFECT. The observant ones probably wonder what stubborn stuff this girl has in her pocket. Managed to slip behind Chapman most of the time... :)

It's puzzling they even want our presence given admin's insignificant position on the supply chain.
I dragged my almost lifeless body back to work right after that, knowing full well 4 hours' rest will scarcely last me the full working day and waited till the day was over, stifling the sleepiness that keeps threatening to override. Still gotta prep for dancing tonight! Been a real while since I had a decent outing that I actually consider fun. I really feel deprived!

Kai Ruo at 10am

Just saw Kai Ruo's blog, the last of her I saw of her was at Fish & Co, she was the waitress. I didn't say hi though, don't know if that'll embarrass her, I've had helluva personal experience years ago with embarrassment of this sort. Well I saw the subject of my embarrassment just couple of weeks back...she looks...lady-like now compared to who or what she was ;P
Well we were kids then, though some of us evidently still are..
It's amazing how a change in timing can make entire days so different. Starting work at 8pm is like eons away from the life I now lead. It's been sometime since I'm out of bed at 10am and going down Orchard road, feels weird seeing everyone else rushing to work, for so long my work alarm is tuned to noontime and beyond. I really need to head back to normalcy if possible...and start feeling like a regular Jane.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Singing in the Summer-rain

Just talked to... Summer, (goodness... I don't recall her real name...) anyway she's a friend who used to have a crush on... some years back. Had to endure reading her ramble about her bf's more endowed frame now, while holding back my own bagful of whines. Oh well, what's a blog for anwyay? To whine to a willing audience hah!

Had a crash with the head of a cross dept today, needed to stand by my act in a professional email cc-ed to a panal of no less than heads of departments, managers and whozwho. Quite an experience I promise, purgatorially. The afterward experience is more surreal definitely though and less threatening than what a direct back-reprisal would've been. Education is afterall supposed to have its effects right? I should seriously watch what I write to EVERYONE from now. You never know which email who chooses to circulate to whom. Hope that gets settled and I offend no further person.

Anyway Summer decided that I was crazy to want to get married so soon and so young. Her words hit a right chord somewhere. But isn't this what growing up is all about?? To get past the childish world of courtships where words are used in mock/make-pretense to a world where words would matter less than actions and lend lesser case to consequences (I really do belittle the power of words don't I?)? She and I are motivated by very different things apparently... and Summer, since when is sex ever a strong indication of "conjugability"??? In your point, men who have slept with you are less likely to bend one knee to acknowledge that the time is ripe to when it is. Well... modern day offers reverse psychology babe. Trust me, you will think it less of a deal to wave off men of that calibre than not! Oh and I think you're seriously misreading the trend of my relationship. Besides whether or not I share my bed is my problem only.

To a lighter subject, the impression I got when I chatted with JM last night was that nothing than being stuck in a place with no proper recreation can do more damages to your liberation. He hinted a little about me not ringing up his mum to chat. Please don't deny that is part of your unspoken expectation of me and that you do have them. WE ARE HUMANS, recall; we all do have silent expectations even of the people we love and our moods do dive when unsung wishes don't come true (and we all forget that we spoke them not aloud)..., please don't exclude yourself from the normal sinner's trajectory for my sake.

Well dude, I forgot to say this last night but, the reason I didn't really call her, aside from the meet-in-laws' jitters, is due to the hours I keep; it'll be at best "unconventional" to call your mum at the time I end each day; not liking her or you enough is not the issue of contention here. But why am I so glad you bothered getting petty about it...

Read the most amazingly well written blog yday that s why i felt the new impetus to make a personal entry...Hopefully I'll start sticking to the routine.