Following the life of a Lawyer through his blog...I'm blown away.
This is perhaps the closest I can come to being near a person whose ways I'll never get to learn, a life I will never be granted membership to. He probably won't agree when he hears this, yet it is so real. Perhaps even when lawyers are paid to defend reality, they have no clue to what real life means. Because to know means compromising what is good and secure now.
He is an interesting fellow though. Worth my while to follow from a distance away, albeit it sure is from a damn long distance away.
I am sitting in office, with nothing considerably constructive enough to occupy my time with (due to being overly-educated) and finishing with the chores so easily (still due to be overly-educated). I am left with practically nothing to do save for reading up lives of people whose faces I don't know. So much for undissipated engergy. That and aside from toying with the a new inspiration to become an accountant (not that I am a naturally numbers-girl), but I realise how I badly need a new direction, and intellectual endeavor that will stand apart from and against the mundanity of all that is using my hours now.
We'll see what comes.