Just talked to... Summer, (goodness... I don't recall her real name...) anyway she's a friend who used to have a crush on... some years back. Had to endure reading her ramble about her bf's more endowed frame now, while holding back my own bagful of whines. Oh well, what's a blog for anwyay? To whine to a willing audience hah!
Had a crash with the head of a cross dept today, needed to stand by my act in a professional email cc-ed to a panal of no less than heads of departments, managers and whozwho. Quite an experience I promise, purgatorially. The afterward experience is more surreal definitely though and less threatening than what a direct back-reprisal would've been. Education is afterall supposed to have its effects right? I should seriously watch what I write to EVERYONE from now. You never know which email who chooses to circulate to whom. Hope that gets settled and I offend no further person.
Anyway Summer decided that I was crazy to want to get married so soon and so young. Her words hit a right chord somewhere. But isn't this what growing up is all about?? To get past the childish world of courtships where words are used in mock/make-pretense to a world where words would matter less than actions and lend lesser case to consequences (I really do belittle the power of words don't I?)? She and I are motivated by very different things apparently... and Summer, since when is sex ever a strong indication of "conjugability"??? In your point, men who have slept with you are less likely to bend one knee to acknowledge that the time is ripe to when it is. Well... modern day offers reverse psychology babe. Trust me, you will think it less of a deal to wave off men of that calibre than not! Oh and I think you're seriously misreading the trend of my relationship. Besides whether or not I share my bed is my problem only.
To a lighter subject, the impression I got when I chatted with JM last night was that nothing than being stuck in a place with no proper recreation can do more damages to your liberation. He hinted a little about me not ringing up his mum to chat. Please don't deny that is part of your unspoken expectation of me and that you do have them. WE ARE HUMANS, recall; we all do have silent expectations even of the people we love and our moods do dive when unsung wishes don't come true (and we all forget that we spoke them not aloud)..., please don't exclude yourself from the normal sinner's trajectory for my sake.
Well dude, I forgot to say this last night but, the reason I didn't really call her, aside from the meet-in-laws' jitters, is due to the hours I keep; it'll be at best "unconventional" to call your mum at the time I end each day; not liking her or you enough is not the issue of contention here. But why am I so glad you bothered getting petty about it...
Read the most amazingly well written blog yday that s why i felt the new impetus to make a personal entry...Hopefully I'll start sticking to the routine.