CH is back from France today, today is JM's birthday and I realise that I am hooked on life's greatest intellectual vice; demand for certainty, in a world that is dominated by its very opposite.
I like Soonthorn. He seems like a dedicated man, I like thais when they make the cut. Wait, that statement don't actually just apply to thai-men, but to all men actually. I am sure mediaedge will be more than what I bargained for.
My weight has been fluctuating. I was given up by Emirates cos of my height, my weight'd better perform better henceforth. Cass will then load me more work than she is now. It is a world of appearances. It's a sorry thing when we live in a world whereby only one form of beauty is appreciated. Hah! We shouldn't be sorry because more girls are benefitting from this social norm than not. The Sex industry probably fed more girls than any other industry. Sex and beauty, functions, even if their theories go together, or separate.
I am surprised Jerry is having so much trouble with his girl, but its good cos it means they are working something out together. More tales ahead I am sure.