Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Just read Jasmine's blog. Jacarandas, she calls it, wonder what that meant. She sounded so angry, I'd think she never got a day past JC. But then again, who isnt angry? Everyone just has so much dirt stuck inside their pipes the dredging might take forever.

HM and KM and her went to catch a movie, just like old days, where the rest of us are "accidentally" excluded and then later blamed for our absences. Funny the way their minds work. Jasmine says the traffic is really clogging her sanity, hmmm...i guess that kinda shift happens when you are let off to Jupiter for awhile, you come back hating everything on Earth. I donno if I crave the opportunity to walk out and breathe sulphur.

Met YL, or EP again after so long, she is still the same, wonder if I should be glad. But one point is proven enough, we still cannot be friends. HM and KM are similarly vengenceful. It's like what transgressed btwn me and our common friend is anything they ever gave 2 hoots. They never did (and probably never will), so why so much to say now?

I guess being assigned to SEMBAB, JM is feeling upset about being separated from Ber (who is going to PL), his lifeline and only real friend in Air Log 8. I am worried about him but I know that the more i worry the more unstable we become...I will leave the nerotic me behind.

Read a line that struck a chord: "The tendency to seek certainty is an intellectual vice, but the best cannot seem to refrain". And yet we are supposed to refrain from dogmatism and scepticism, for the former is harmful and the latter essentially useless. Both are certain and that discounts both as ultimate. Even insisting on having an ultimate is insisting on certainty.
Paradoxes of life.