I am officially bored.
But not so bored till I can't blog (hey it rhymes!)... heh.
Anyway I've learnt that walking out in the streets when it's just 6 deg. C is not a smart thing to do when your entire suitcase obviously wasn't prepared for 6 deg. Celsius. I almost fainted from the cold, despite having 2 layers on, geared with boots and a scarf. I didn't imagine China'd be still this bbrrrring departing December... I miss the time I had Jm's warmness all around me...
Oh and it doesn't help that I was out precisely for the reason of mall-hunting and upon detour (cos I know I won't make it back alive if I don't), I discovered that the only mall within possible walking distance (taking count of the cold) is the one I've always shopped at, which is nearest to the hotel.
Thank goodness there was the comforting dinner. Check out what I had below. I am definitely going back for more :)