Thursday, March 01, 2007

"Descend punctual, Hypnos!"

Horrors of horrors is what describes when ailments of Insomnia spill beyond the body to afflict life.

I overslept and was late for work.

After a frantic rush to office, I smoothened my tousled mood by plugging on to 2 hours of Enigma's "Endless Quest", which just about summarises my endeavors to attain inconsciousness these days. Yes, days cos my body seems to have formed an ajustment to calling out for rest only at wee hours approaching dawn (past 4am).

Anyway what is truly disgruntling is people's concern for my sleepinability/insomnia drama in the form of nags and periodic reminders. I D O N ' T N E E D R E M I N D E R S T H A N K S. I want to fall into a dead-to-the-world-exhausted, REM-free slumber too hello?? A chat is more useful to me if you can afford to care.

Hypnos, Personification of Sleep, Nyx &Thanatos. Like Death, he is usually depicted as a winged male, and in the span classicism period with wings in his hair. He is seen with Death carrying the bodies of heroes from battlefields or crouching over sleeping figures

I sought out Google for counsel on my sudden crepscular nature and came up with the following litany of explanations (and after analysis, I realised that mine is just a Transient form, not Accute or Chronc, thank God!).

Parasomnia - Nightmares, sleepwalking, violent behavior while sleeping, REM disorder

Mania or Hypomania - Symptom of Bipolar Disorder (check a previous entry)

Dehydration - Basically caused by crap that is in you rather than your poo

Pain - Any form of pain, external or internal ensures you (not Rusky) is the nightkeeper to your abode

Hyper-thyroidism - Excessive multiplication of Hormones responsible for body's BMR, physical tolerance and metabolism (energy)
Examples: Graves disease (80% etiology); a thyroid disorder unknowned trigger by an antibody auto-immune reaction, Inflammation of Thyroid Glands, Tumor growths or cancer
(Hope not!!!)

Other reasons cover side effects from medication, stress or emotional upheavals, physical or mental illnesses

As well as the more plausible ones :

Clinophobia - Inability to rest due to anxiety and physical pain
what with odd abdomenal aches...

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders - Insomnia due to social disruptions or delays to sleeping phases
Examples: Jet-lag, Shift-work.

Pretty obvious which of the two affects me, though i don't credit high possibility.

Consumtion of Stimulants - Caffeine, Nicotine, Sugar, Alcohol or certain Medication, Pills or Drugs
Hmm...calcium supplements, hormonal drugs included?

Lack of Exercise - Exercising 4 - 5 hours prior to bedtime aids sleeping's obvious I'm no regular at this.

Among the available proposals, Jm's take was the last one. In his opinion, my daytime preocupation is way too idle and I need physical exertion to drain the surplus and undissipated energy. Since there are limited sport activities recommendable for twilight engagement (unless you consider grooving at St. James gym-out) he suggested Jogging, (which happens to be an activity I won't ever ever allot energy to, even if spare energy overflows in globs; unless of cos you revamp the sport away from monotony which you can't).

Or maybe he knows me well enough to know I sublime every "jogging session" to its less deplorable form, Walking.

Still, take a hike, I prefer Insomnia.
