There is something scary about losing contact with people when you get out of school. You lose all the markings that once served well as personal benchmarks (so that you even know there is self-improvement when there is). And trust me, both knowing and not knowing where you stand at each point of maturing has dangers that can profoundly influence life's later courses.
People are also important because when you are ready to up to the next level, you want to be sure that there are people watching you at it, you also want to be sure that there are people you can watch while at it, so you can emulate and escalate in style.
The funny thing is you don't really know you are losing touch with people until you are struggling at your workdesk (a battleground where people try to make school applicable).
Perhaps there is something about having to earn a living that makes people mature overnight, and this maturation makes them now wish they had listened to Someone's advice and paid more attention to school when "asked" to because now we realise that we can't really apply what we've been made to read during the uniformed days to what we're now made to do now in our white-collar days, the descrepancy usually takes its worst beating in the social.
How so? Joe may ask. Someone once said that the worst thing about being poor is that it takes up literally all your time. Nothing truer; cos now that the span of the day and night pretty much sees Work stretched out, phone lists'll run shorter and there is almost nothing much you can anything about it, because you're stuck with having to make dough the only way you know of.
The ironic thing is that it is People who make lives worth living for; it is Them who tell you where the next turn is and it is Them who watch you take it, it is Them you eventually want to show your achievements to. It is Them you eventually live for...
All things considered, we'll actually (against our initial beliefs) pass on the legacy and nag at the little ones we care about to study hard when at school. So they can get to keep who they wish to keep in their lives, easily.