Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I only mentioned BEST EFFORTS, not promise. Had advise Alan before replying.


-----Original Message-----
From: Irene Ng
Sent: 28 November 2005 16:42
To: 'Junie Ong'; Bernice
Cc: Kenny Chin; 'Alan'
Subject: Re: Eastern research - revised time line

Hi Bernice,
Next time, please check with us first before you promise any REVISED time line with client.
For this project, Junie & I should have no problem meeting the revised time line. In fact, I plan to send them the data even earlier.
BUT, this is not always the case for other projects... It depends on DP current workload & other projects' date line.
Appreciate your understanding.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernice"

To: "'Sharon'";"'Junie Ong'"; "'Irene Ng'"
Cc: "'Alan'" "'Patrick Poon'"
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 4:17 PM
Subject: RE: Eastern research - codeframe4

Hi Sharon,

As mentioned, we will try our best effort to finish coding today but looking at the short time (mentioned to you we have a company function to attend this evening). Yes, I will do a check and we will try our best efforts for the timeline you mentioned earlier.

Best regards,
Bernice Tey

It's really weird how catfights can begin with things that matter so little. The project was supposed to be mine but Irene and Bernice can find something to argue about. We should just accept diversity as part and parcel of life and not try to restrict diversity with coercion.
Haven't been able to see the correlation between Cerebral size and eating disorders. All the pages just lead to research on Cerebral Cortex sizes.