Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Reliving Philo class once more

All bored persons blog
All persons are bored in reality
Therefore, all persons blog.

That is the kind of theory that I had to sit through in Philosophy class when I was in school, imagine the sense? And mind you, they call it Higher Learning. Great sense of humour. Just for the record, let me attempt to improve that sense without changing the type of logic used.

All bored persons blog
All persons are bored in reality
Therefore all persons blog.
This is the ideal case
Ideals cannot work in reality
Therefore in reality, not all persons blog.

Bored out of my means

I have decided to invest in a Gameboy micro. Actually it's more like cos life's tedium is getting to me, and I am too lazy to fill time intellectually.
Hm... I wish to try out bar top dancing. I think it can be pretty cool. But i am stretching my means and still cannot find an entry into the industry. Administrating anything seem to get harder the older you grow, guess its cos our life chances are directly related to when we have youth to offer. Duh. Even if i manage to conquer the admin part, I am sure I won do it, cos JM won't be glad. Yikes.

Life's a Breeze

Am in an anticipatory mood, looking towards the vacation in Penang now. Having nothing but 2 whole days all to myself, to do the things that I wish to do. Have no one stick around me to vex my decisions and to cause inadequacy. Life can be a breeze for the coming weekend! Yeah!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Here is the image, "Gates of Hell" by famous Rodin. Haven't read up the significance of the symbols and sculpted yet. I am sure I've seen this before in Art class though, wish I paid more attention.

I only mentioned BEST EFFORTS, not promise. Had advise Alan before replying.


-----Original Message-----
From: Irene Ng
Sent: 28 November 2005 16:42
To: 'Junie Ong'; Bernice
Cc: Kenny Chin; 'Alan'
Subject: Re: Eastern research - revised time line

Hi Bernice,
Next time, please check with us first before you promise any REVISED time line with client.
For this project, Junie & I should have no problem meeting the revised time line. In fact, I plan to send them the data even earlier.
BUT, this is not always the case for other projects... It depends on DP current workload & other projects' date line.
Appreciate your understanding.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bernice"

To: "'Sharon'";"'Junie Ong'"; "'Irene Ng'"
Cc: "'Alan'" "'Patrick Poon'"
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 4:17 PM
Subject: RE: Eastern research - codeframe4

Hi Sharon,

As mentioned, we will try our best effort to finish coding today but looking at the short time (mentioned to you we have a company function to attend this evening). Yes, I will do a check and we will try our best efforts for the timeline you mentioned earlier.

Best regards,
Bernice Tey

It's really weird how catfights can begin with things that matter so little. The project was supposed to be mine but Irene and Bernice can find something to argue about. We should just accept diversity as part and parcel of life and not try to restrict diversity with coercion.
Haven't been able to see the correlation between Cerebral size and eating disorders. All the pages just lead to research on Cerebral Cortex sizes.

Happy Occasions

Just finished with a colleague's wedding. Pan Pac, it was superb! The conversations with Kenny was really entertaining and kept the mood up the entire night at least. The bride's prettier in person than her pictures.
Attended a friend's birthday party, she looked amazing while I think I must have looked like a whore. It's no wonder JM looked as though he was ready to murder the span of the night. HS, CH and Rayner were at the event too, EP was conspicuously missing, it is weird considering her relations with HS. I had to endure JM openly flirting with HS at the start of the night, well boy, do that again and I will show you what Embarrassment can mean. HS has very loving and supportive parents I realised though, lucky her.

Friday, November 25, 2005


I'm gonna read up on cerebral size and food intake; there must be amazing connection betwn the 2 since my head is cramming up due to my bulimic disorder. Checked out some blogs, man, the Tracer blog by Zhihao isn't really that fantastic as they made it sound, if you ask me, it was strictly a post to account for what he did during the June hols. His post had no fangs at all, and up that against real time happenings, I think he under-blogged. The only amazing thing about the post perhaps is that he missed out writing anything real at all! Tame tame, and I was expecting more input from that guy.

Real Dame

Simply love this girl, God she is a goddess. No point having words when you see beauty like this; looks'll speaketh them all, golden theory since time immemorial.

She just won a Golden Horse for herself, all the way girl!


Just read blogs, amazing how something like blogging can become so major. Guess everyone has something to say even if they don have the similar amount of time to read what has been written. Open-Diary-Concept, when it comes down to it, we all just love to be read like a book and idolized for what we write.